German English Translation Service
Our language Service offers translations of all languages of the world for all subject areas. Here we are not just concerned with a 1:1 – translation of a text into another language, but also with the knowledge of other cultures, technical knowledge, legal knowledge, medical knowledge, depending on the subject area of the text.
In order to ensure quality, not just native language experts work in our worldwide team but also physicians, lawyers, historians, engineers, architects, mechanical engineers, actors, singers, and much more. This high number of different professions, which are connected with the topic of language, is necessary, in order to offer you customized language services.
If you require a translation, please send us following basic data:
- source as well as target language
- the text/document (possible via email, fax or personally)
- The time frame of the delivery
- Concerning official documents: with or without certification – if a certification is needed, please provide the information for which country the certification needs to be valid